The right horse care: tips and tricks for healthy horses

The right horse care: tips and tricks for healthy horses

Grooming your horse is not only essential for its health, but also strengthens the bond between you and your horse. Here you will find detailed tips on how to groom your horse properly.


Why daily cleaning is important

Regular brushing removes dirt and dust that can cause friction and injuries under the saddle or bridle. It also allows you to detect injuries, swellings or parasites at an early stage. Grooming promotes blood circulation and also creates confidence and well-being.

Hoof care

Hoof care is an essential part of horse care, as the hooves carry the entire weight of the horse. It is not without reason that the saying "no hoof no horse" is used. Daily scraping of the hooves removes dirt, stones and foreign bodies and thus prevents injuries. Particular attention should be paid to the sensitive frog of the hoof. This also allows you to check that your horse's shoes are still firmly in place and have not become loose or slipped. Regular greasing of the hooves helps to keep them elastic and protect them from cracking, especially in horses that are increasingly kept on sandy ground. Regular visits to the farrier, approximately every 6-8 weeks, are also important to identify and treat potential problems at an early stage.

Coat care

Horse coat care begins with daily brushing, which removes dirt and loose hair and stimulates blood circulation. Different brushes, such as a soft brush for sensitive areas and a hard root brush for rough cleaning, should be used. When changing the coat in spring and fall, more intensive brushing with a rubber brush and a serrated brush is advisable. In winter, a clipper can be useful to speed up drying after sweating, but the horse should then be protected with a blanket.

Mane and tail care

Mane and tail care requires regular combing and brushing to prevent matting. For particularly long or sensitive manes, braiding can help to prevent hair breakage. Mane sprays and lotions make it easier to detangle and care for long hair.

Care products

In addition to the right brushes, care products such as hoof oil, mane spray and special horse shampoo are essential. These products support hoof health, make combing the mane and tail easier and ensure a shiny coat. Regular use is important to achieve the desired effects.

Important care tips

In addition to physical care, the environment also plays an important role. A clean stall and a healthy diet are crucial for the horse's health. Wet wipes or natural soaps made from herbs and oils can be used to clean sensitive areas such as the eyes, nostrils and anus.

Cleaning area and hygiene

A safe and non-slip grooming area is essential. Ideally, the horse should not be groomed in the box to avoid contamination of the feed. Each horse should have its own grooming kit to prevent the spread of disease. The grooming utensils should be cleaned regularly.

The importance of routine

A set grooming routine can help to acclimatize the horse to the procedures and avoid stress. Always start with the same order to ensure a logical and reassuring sequence.

Further tips

  • Nutrition and feeding: Make sure they have a balanced diet to keep their skin and coat healthy.
  • Regular visits to the vet: for prevention and early detection of diseases.
  • Exercise: Daily exercise is important for your horse's physical and mental health.

Washing horses

Your horse should not be washed too often so as not to damage the skin's natural oil layer. If washing is necessary, use lukewarm water and special horse shampoo. It is best to start with the legs and slowly work your way up. It is important to rinse thoroughly to avoid shampoo residues that could irritate the skin. After washing, the horse should be dried well to prevent colds. On warm days, the horse can be left to air dry, while in cooler temperatures a sweat meter and towels should be used. However, you should also avoid placing your wet horse in the blazing sun. The excess water in the coat, which has just cooled the horse down, heats up very quickly in the sun and ends up making your horse even hotter.

How to clean your horse properly!

Thorough and regular grooming contributes significantly to the health and well-being of your horse. It prevents injuries and illnesses, promotes blood circulation and strengthens the relationship between horse and rider. With the right utensils and a good routine, grooming becomes a pleasant ritual for horse and rider.

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