Raimon Joesten new Chairman of the AGP

Raimon Joesten new Chairman of the AGP

Joesten takes over management of the working group of pony and small horse breeders


Raimon Joesten (63) from Hemmingsteth-Lieth was elected as the new chairman at the annual meeting of the Working Group of Pony and Small Horse Breeders (AGP) in Malente. The long-standing chairman of the Schleswig-Holstein/Hamburg horse studbook succeeds Joachim Völksen (Hanover), who was unanimously appointed honorary chairman after eight years at the helm of the AGP. Due to health reasons, Völksen was unable to accept the award in person.

With his election, Joesten is continuing his commitment to horse breeding at a national level. He has led the Schleswig-Holstein/Hamburg studbook since 2016, where he is committed to strengthening the breeding community. In addition to his voluntary work, he runs a cleaning company with around 95 employees together with his wife Andrea.

Jörg Menge from Neustadt-Dosse, representative for ponies and other breeds in the Brandenburg-Anhalt Breeding Association, will take over his previous position as Deputy Chairman of the AGP. Antje Römer-Stauber from Kirchhain was re-elected as Deputy Chairwoman. She is also Chairwoman and Breeding Director of the Hesse Pony and Horse Breeders' Association and a member of the Breeding Board of the German Equestrian Federation (FN).

Founded in 1949, the AGP unites 14 breeding associations and just as many interest groups. Its aim is to promote pony and small horse breeding in Germany, to support breeders and judges and to exchange information with the studbooks of origin of various breeds. The AGP's tasks also include passing on information on EU and animal breeding laws, supporting the stallion performance and broodmare testing concept, designing national shows and awards and promoting scientific work. In view of the challenges in horse breeding - especially declining numbers - Joesten relies on close cooperation within the AGP in order to provide breeders with the best possible support.

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