From Texas to Europe: The success story of the Porter Brothers

From Texas to Europe: The success story of the Porter Brothers

From their early beginnings to working with the legendary Jeroen Dubbeldam, the Porter Brothers have an unique journey that has paved the way to a successful and sustainable career in show jumping. In this article, we take a look at their careers, their challenges and their visions for the future.


The world of show jumping has produced many talented riders, but the story of the Porter Brothers is something very special. These two Texan brothers have not only built impressive careers in equestrian sports, but have also successfully pursued their academic goals while competing internationally at the highest level.

Who are the Porter Brothers?

The Porter Brothers, Wilton and Lucas Porter, are two renowned riders from Texas who have made a name for themselves in international show jumping. Both brothers have built impressive careers in equestrian sport and are known for their success at both national and international level.

Wilton Porter and Lucas Porter began their riding careers at a young age and first gained major attention in 2014 when they each won a gold medal in their respective categories at the North American Youth Championships (NAJYRC). This marked the beginning of their promising careers in show jumping.

The brothers trained under the guidance of legendary coach Jeroen Dubbeldam which helped them to refine their skills and take them to a higher level. Their collaboration with Dubbeldam contributed significantly to their success in international competitions and enabled them to establish themselves in both Europe and the USA.

Wilton Porter has particularly distinguished himself by being selected for the US team at the Nations Cup in Wellington, where he achieved significant victories. Lucas Porter has also achieved numerous successes and both brothers are known for their dedication and passion for equestrian sports.

The Porter Brothers now operate training facilities in Wellington, Florida, and Weerselo, the Netherlands. These locations enable them to be active in the USA and Europe during the year and to further develop both their own horses and young talents.

In addition to their sporting careers, the brothers attach great importance to their personal relationship with the horses and are known for their respectful and supportive cooperation both within the family and in equestrian sport. Their careers are characterized by hard work, dedication and a deep love for horses.

The beginning: A golden start

The Porter Brothers' breakthrough came in 2014 when Wilton and Lucas both won gold medals in their respective divisions at the North American Youth Championships (NAJYRC). This extraordinary double win caught the attention of the equestrian world and marked the beginning of their burgeoning careers. Shortly afterwards, a family friend introduced the two brothers to Jeroen Dubbeldam, one of the biggest names in international show jumping.

The brothers had already made the leap into Grand Prix show jumping before meeting Dubbeldam. But with his guidance, they found their way to a new level. Under his guidance, the brothers were able to master the challenges of studying and riding and establish themselves in both Europe and the USA.

From pony to show jumper

As western horses had their limits in show jumping, the Porter brothers' mother, Suzanne, quickly got them a pony, which they shared. Initially, Wilton and Lucas started out in the traditional American style in the hunter classes with ponies. But after about three years, they discovered their passion for show jumping and therefore got several experienced show jumpers for the 1.10 to 1.20 meter level. These older horses taught them a lot and awakened their ambitions for show jumping, which led to them taking show jumping more and more seriously.

The collaboration with Jeroen Dubbeldam

The Porter brothers' relationship with Jeroen Dubbeldam has developed into a deep and comprehensive partnership over the years. In addition to the classic trainer-rider dynamic, Dubbeldam also plays the role of mentor, business partner and close friend. Lucas and Wilton Porter have been under his guidance for four years now. During this time, they have not only honed their riding skills, but also learned valuable lessons in horse management and preparation for international competitions.

The continuous collaboration with Dubbeldam has led to remarkable improvements in their performance. The progress has been particularly visible over the last two years. Wilton reached a special milestone in the most recent season when he was selected for the US team in the Nations Cup at the Winter Equestrian Festival in Wellington. There he achieved a double victory with his horse Caletto Cabana, underlining the effectiveness of the methods taught by Dubbeldam.

Lucas and Wilton, who had both enjoyed success at junior level before working with Dubbeldam, were looking for opportunities to develop their skills further. Their decision to move to Europe and work with an experienced trainer of international standing proved to be a game changer for their careers. Dubbeldam's approach, which focuses on both the technical development of the riders and the overall management of their horses, has helped them reach new heights.

The training process with Dubbeldam was intensive and initially required the brothers to take a few steps back in order to consolidate the basics. In the first season, they therefore concentrated primarily on learning and understanding Dubbeldam's system before they started to compete more in international competitions again. This strategic approach paved the way for greater success in the long term.

A central aspect of their training under Dubbeldam was the management of the horses. Lucas and Wilton have learned the importance of looking at each horse individually and developing a specific plan that enhances their strengths and addresses their particular needs. The successful application of these principles is reflected in the brothers' recent successes, including the high placement of one of their horses in the USEF Show Jumping Ranking List and a nomination for the Nations Cup team.

Wilton and Lucas' success is the result of careful planning and a clear strategy. From the day-to-day work with the horses to choosing the right competitions, Dubbeldam's guidance has been crucial. The brothers hope to take what they have learned and apply it independently in the future to continue to succeed at the highest level.

The change of style: from the American to the European riding system

For Lucas and Wilton Porter, the transition from the American riding style to European horsemanship was a smooth one. In the European riding system, an important learning point was to focus more on the needs of the horses. This meant that riders had to adapt their techniques and approaches to help their horses jump in the best possible way.

When comparing the two riding styles, the brothers realized that the American approach often cultivates a more dynamic, forward-oriented style. This style places particular emphasis on a relaxed sitting position and a precise posture on the part of the rider, which is partly derived from equitation. The European system, on the other hand, tends to maintain a more intense contact with the horse and focus more on a close connection between rider and horse. Despite these differences, both styles have their place and can be effective in different ways depending on the type of horse and rider preferences. Both systems follow similar basic principles, such as the careful care and correct training of horses to ensure successful cooperation between rider and horse.

Wellington and Weerselo - Two locations

Today, the Porter brothers operate two main locations for their equestrian activities: one in Wellington, Florida, and one in Weerselo, the Netherlands. In the USA, they spend the months from January to March and are active in the Winter Equestrian Festival in Wellington during this time. After that, they shift their focus to Europe and are based in their stable in Weerselo, which is in close proximity to Jeroen Dubbeldam's Stal De Sjiem.

In the first years of collaboration with Jeroen Dubbeldam the Porter brothers were housed at Stal De Sjiem. However, with the growth of their horse population and the expansion of their activities, a permanent solution became necessary. They had the opportunity to purchase a neighboring site and have built a stable with seventeen boxes there. The new facility includes both an outdoor and indoor arena, a large grass riding arena, a circular path around the stable and a horse walker.

The decision to get as close as possible to Jeroen Dubbeldam is of great importance to the Porter brothers, as they value him highly both as a trainer and as a business partner. The location in Weerselo also offers the advantage that they have direct access to talented young horses in Europe and can further develop their own horses there.

Fraternal rivalry

When it comes to sibling rivalry, this is more evident in golf, where the competition between the brothers is more pronounced. In riding, on the other hand, the relationship is characterized by mutual respect and support. Lucas regards Wilton as an important source of inspiration and greatly appreciates his advice. He finds it particularly valuable to work together with his brother and to be supported by him, especially in difficult times.

Wilton, on the other hand, emphasizes how important sibling cooperation is to him. Both brothers actively help and motivate each other, which makes their cooperation in equestrian sports particularly strong. When one of them encounters challenges, the other is there to support them, which further strengthens their close relationship.

The love of horses: The true drive

Both Lucas and Wilton Porter aspire to represent their country at major international competitions. However, their motivation goes far beyond sporting success. The two brothers' true passion is their horses. For Wilton, working with these animals is a central aspect of his career, as he feels that the special relationship he has with them is unique. For him, this emotional connection is an essential part of equestrian sport.

Lucas shares this perspective and emphasizes that his bond with horses goes far beyond his show jumping ambitions. Even if he had not chosen show jumping, he would always have maintained a close relationship with horses. The presence of these animals brings him a deep sense of satisfaction and calm. He values the opportunity to compete with them as a great gift and hopes that horses will continue to be an important part of his life.


The impressive careers of the Porter brothers, Wilton and Lucas, offer a fascinating example of success in international show jumping combined with a deep passion for their horses. Their journey began with a spectacular double victory at the North American Youth Championships and led them to a successful collaboration with renowned trainer Jeroen Dubbeldam. This partnership has honed her skills and taken her career to a new level.

The adaptation from the American to the European riding style and the establishment of training locations in the USA and Europe illustrate the flexibility and professionalism of the brothers. The change of location, especially the close proximity to Dubbeldam, shows their endeavor to continuously work at the highest level and create the best conditions for their horses.

Of particular note is the strong, supportive relationship between Lucas and Wilton. While they are sometimes in competition with each other on the golf course, their partnership in equestrian sport is characterized by mutual support and motivation. Their close bond and shared drive to constantly improve are key factors in their success.

Ultimately, it is her deep love of horses that forms the core of her motivation. This emotional connection and her dedication to equestrian sport set her apart from others and characterize her path on and off the horse. Her story is an inspiring example of the perfect balance between passion, professionalism and personal dedication in sport.

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