Welfare of horses in competition sport

Welfare of horses in competition sport

Scientists question the use of candles in competitive sport


A group of international scientists has written to the World Equestrian Federation (FEI) and the German Equestrian Federation (FN) to address possible animal welfare aspects of the use of curbs in competition sport. This was prompted by observations made during the international dressage competitions in Amsterdam and Neumünster. Attached to the letter are photos of seven dressage riders, including two German squad riders.

Dr. Dennis Peiler, Deputy Chairman of the FN Executive Board, emphasizes that the FN takes the allegations seriously and is conducting a thorough investigation. However, photos alone are not sufficient to make a well-founded assessment. Therefore, additional available video material will be analyzed. If the criticism proves to be justified, possible consequences will be examined. The FEI is responsible for reviewing the rules of international tournaments.

Regardless of the accusations, Peiler emphasizes that the FN is actively seeking scientific dialogue to ensure the welfare of horses and to further develop the sport responsibly. The FN is therefore already in contact with the authors of the letter in order to discuss possible effects on competition sport.

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