Learn horse riding: Tips for beginners, adults & children | Benefits & equipment

Learn horse riding: Tips for beginners, adults & children | Benefits & equipment

Riding connects people with horses in a unique way - whether for sport or relaxation. The first step? The basics of riding, which are best learned in qualified riding schools with experienced instructors and well-trained lesson horses.


What is horse riding and why is it worthwhile?

Horseback riding is more than just sitting on a horse - it is the art of creating a harmonious connection with the animal through subtle, often invisible aids. It requires balance, body awareness, and mutual trust. The horse reacts to the smallest signals from the rider, which makes this relationship something special.

Why is it worth learning to ride?

  • Physical fitness: Horse riding strengthens muscles, posture and coordination. The sense of balance and core muscles in particular are intensively trained.
  • Mental benefits: Horse riding promotes concentration, patience and stress reduction. Working with horses helps to strengthen self-confidence and a sense of responsibility.
  • Connection with animals: Horses are sensitive animals and interacting with them often creates a deep emotional bond. For many, the relationship with a horse is a great emotional benefit.
  • Variety of horse riding styles: Whether classic dressage riding, show jumping, western riding, or leisurely rides - horse riding offers a variety of disciplines and possibilities, depending on your preferences and goals.
  • Social aspects: Horse riding is not just an individual sport. In riding schools, clubs and at competitions, you get to know like-minded people and exchange experiences.

For many people, riding is a way to grow both physically and mentally while experiencing the joy of working with a fascinating animal.

Is horse riding dangerous?

Riding involves a certain amount of risk, just like any other sport. However, the risk can be greatly minimized by proper preparation, handling trained horses and using suitable equipment. These are particularly important:

  • Helmet: A well-fitting riding helmet is essential and protects against head injuries.
  • Safety vest: A safety vest is recommended for certain disciplines or cross-country riding.
  • Behavioral training: Learn to interpret the body language of horses to avoid dangerous situations.

Riding is no more dangerous than many other sports if safety precautions are observed. In addition, well-trained school horses that are used to riding beginners and adult beginners are particularly calm and patient.

Learning to ride a horse: the ideal introduction for young and old

Learning to ride is an adventure that is possible for all ages and experience levels. The first steps are crucial to building a solid foundation, whether you're starting as an adult, child, or returning rider. Here are some helpful tips and information to help you get started riding.

Adult late entrants or returners

When learning horse riding as an adult, individual factors such as fitness, lifestyle and health play a decisive role alongside age. People who exercise regularly and have a healthy diet generally learn horse riding faster than those who are less active or have health problems.

There are differences between late and returning riders. Late starters are adults who only discover riding later in life and start without any previous knowledge. Returners, on the other hand, have often already acquired riding skills as a child and can build on this knowledge.

However, the aim of horse riding lessons for adults is always the same: to learn to ride well enough to achieve harmonious, conflict-free communication with the horse and to feel confident in the saddle. Riding lessons for adults focus on the basics of flatwork, the correct seat, and precise aids. Individual goals and wishes can then be developed on this basis.

If you are learning to ride as an adult, take the time you need to make progress. Learning to ride as an adult requires both mental and physical effort. But with patience and regular horse riding lessons, you will become more confident and confident in handling the horse.

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Learn to horse ride as an adult
The key to success is to find the right horse riding school. Make sure that there are qualified trainers, well-maintained horses and a pleasant atmosphere. A trusting relationship with your riding instructor and the horse will make learning to ride as an adult much easier.

It can also be helpful to prepare yourself physically. Before your riding lessons, light warm-up exercises and regular endurance training can support your fitness and flexibility. This way, you won't get out of breath so quickly and can progress at your own pace while having fun riding.

Horse riding as an adult: tips for getting started

Many adults only discover riding later in life or decide to get back into it after a break. Whether you are a beginner or returning to riding, it is possible to start riding as an adult and there are many benefits. Here are some helpful tips to help you get started:

Is it difficult to learn horse riding as an adult?

Learning to ride as an adult presents different challenges than for children. Adults often have less physical flexibility and need a little more time to internalize the horse's movements. Nevertheless, learning to ride is by no means more difficult for adults - it just requires patience and a positive attitude.

Many riding schools offer special riding lessons for adults that cater to the needs of late or returning riders. A calm, well-trained riding instructor and school horses that are used to adult beginners can make the learning process much easier. As an adult, you will benefit from your mental maturity and the ability to better understand complex relationships.


Children are often excited when it comes to getting into the saddle. Horses hold a great fascination for children and horse riding for children is a great way to encourage their love of animals. However, you should bear in mind that young children's spines are still very sensitive. Newborns have a C-shaped spine, which only develops into a stable S-shape between the ages of four and six. Regular riding or longer rides can therefore be harmful to the health of small children and should be avoided.

When can children start learning to ride horses?

It is recommended that children only start riding lessons from around 5 to 7 years of age. For younger children, many riding schools offer special programs such as pony riding, vaulting or playful lessons to introduce them to horses and riding.

Horse riding lessons for children should always be age-appropriate and tailored to their needs. Some riding instructors specialize in teaching children how to handle horses using playful methods. This not only teaches children how to sit in the saddle but also theoretical knowledge about horses and their care. Playful aids such as balls or poles during lessons encourage the children's sense of movement and make learning to ride a varied experience for children.

Horse size: The size of the horse should always match the size of the child. Ponies are often the best choice for smaller children. Children ride better on ponies as they feel safer due to the lower height and therefore build up trust in the animal more quickly.

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Group lessons for children can be particularly motivating, as children enjoy learning in groups with their peers. However, each child should be considered and supported individually to achieve optimum progress. Horse riding for children also promotes a sense of responsibility: Care and handling of the horse should always be part of the lessons.

Whether at a riding club, children's riding lessons or a riding course for children - learning to ride is a wonderful way for children to develop a connection with horses in a playful and safe way.

The right equipment for beginners

The right equipment is crucial for beginners and those returning to horse riding in order to sit safely and comfortably in the saddle. It doesn't have to be full riding gear straight away - basic equipment is enough to get you started. If you are just starting to learn to ride, you can often complete your first riding lessons without special riding gear. However, there are some items of equipment that are important right from the start.

Helmet and gloves

A riding helmet is indispensable for riders, whether beginners or advanced riders. It protects the head in the event of a fall and should comply with current safety standards. A well-fitting helmet that does not slip during movement is essential. Make sure that your helmet is new and TÜV-certified - used helmets may have undetected defects. A solid helmet usually costs between 70 and 150 euros.
In this video we show you how a helmet fits well and what to look out for when choosing a riding helmet:

Would you like to find out more about riding helmets? In our article "Riding with brains: A guide to choosing the right riding helmet" we explain everything you need to know about riding helmets. From the importance of a helmet when riding to helmet care and storage.

Riding gloves are also important as they protect the hands from blisters and prevent the reins from slipping through. They should fit snugly and be made of thin, flexible material to maintain the necessary feel for the reins - both when riding and when leading the horse.

Shoes, ankle boots or boots

Sturdy hiking boots or ankle boots with a small heel are sufficient for the first riding lessons for beginners. The heel ensures that the foot does not slip through the stirrup, which is particularly important for beginners. Later on, many people opt for riding boots as they improve the leg position and support the leg well. A cheaper alternative are ankle boots combined with chaps, which offer the same protection and are ideal for beginners who are still growing.

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Rubber riding boots are unsuitable for riding and learning to ride due to their wide shaft and rigid material, as they restrict mobility and make it difficult to position the leg correctly.

Safety vest

A safety vest is particularly useful for beginners who want to start jumping or cross-country riding later on. It is often not essential for the first few lessons, but if you do wear one, it should fit well and not restrict your mobility. It's important for beginners to feel comfortable and secure, so it's worth trying out different models.

The right breeches

Even if you can still wear normal trousers as a beginner rider, it will soon be worth buying a good pair of breeches. They offer you comfort and support in the saddle and prevent chafing. Riding breeches with full or partial seat ensure that you sit securely in the saddle and don't slip. A simple model is sufficient to start with, but if you ride regularly, it's worth buying breeches made of high-quality, breathable materials that offer you full freedom of movement.

Find the right riding instructor

Choosing the right riding instructor is crucial for success when learning to ride horses. Make sure that the instructor is not only qualified, but also patient and good at explaining things. A good riding instructor will answer your questions and help you overcome your fears. In Germany, riding instructors are divided into the qualification levels Trainer C, B, and A, with Trainer C specializing in beginners and leisure riders. Riding beginners particularly benefit from trainers who are trained in basic sports and can help you consolidate your basics.

What should you look out for in a horse riding school?

The choice of horse riding school plays a major role if you want to learn to ride. Here are some important aspects you should pay attention to:

  • Horse husbandry: Ensure that horses are kept in a species-appropriate manner, with sufficient exercise and access to pasture.
  • Facility: The riding facility should offer a well-maintained riding arena and an indoor riding arena so that training can take place in all weather conditions.
  • Atmosphere: A friendly and supportive stable community contributes to learning success.
  • Riding lessons for adults: Special courses for adults, for example in the mornings or evenings, are ideal for working people.

How many horse riding lessons per week make sense?

Two to three riding lessons per week are ideal for beginners to make rapid progress. Regularity is crucial to consolidate what you have learned and build confidence. Depending on availability and goals, an intensive course can also be a good option.

First steps in the saddle

The first riding lessons usually take place on the lunge line so that the novice rider can concentrate on the horse's balance and movements. Your riding instructor leads the horse on a lead and controls the pace and gait. In the first two to ten lessons, you will learn the basics of sitting and responsiveness. After that, you can ride freely in the arena or in the hall, often initially in individual lessons and later in a group.

The first time on horseback - How does it start?

The first time on a horse is an exciting moment, but also a little challenging. Before you get into the saddle, you should learn how to approach the horse correctly to build confidence. The riding instructor will help you to get into the saddle safely, either using a mounting aid or from the ground.

Once in the saddle, it is important to concentrate on your posture first. Sit down calmly, let your legs hang loose, and hold the reins gently in your hands. In the first few moments, you will probably still be a little unsure, but with every minute in the saddle, your body will become more accustomed to the horse's movements. The riding instructor will guide you on the lunge line so that you can concentrate fully on your seat and balance.

Important tips for the first horse riding lesson

The first riding lesson is an exciting introduction to the world of horse riding. To make the most of it, here are some important tips:

  • Clothing: Wear comfortable, weather-appropriate clothing and sturdy shoes with a small heel so that your foot does not slip through the stirrup.
  • Stay relaxed: In the beginning it is normal to be a little stiff or tense, but try to stay relaxed and let the horse's movements flow.
  • Don't forget to breathe: Deep breaths help you to relax and absorb the movements better.
  • Patience with yourself: Horse riding requires coordination and body awareness. The first few lessons are mainly about developing a feeling for the horse and your own balance. Be patient with yourself - progress comes with time.
  • Ask questions: Don't be afraid to ask your riding instructor questions. The more you understand, the more confident you will feel in the saddle.

How often should I take horse riding lessons?

Two to three riding lessons per week are ideal for beginners and those returning to riding to make rapid progress. A regular rhythm helps to consolidate what you have learned and build confidence in the saddle.

Costs and time required

Learning to ride a horse can vary in price depending on the region and riding school. In general, you should expect to pay €15-20 per 30 minutes for lungeing or group lessons. Private lessons can cost between €25 and €35, with experienced trainers charging higher prices. Basic equipment such as a helmet, boots and breeches should also be factored in, at a cost of around €200-300.

How long does it take to learn horse riding?

Learning to ride horses is a continuous process. It often takes several years before you can call yourself a confident and experienced rider. In the first few months, the focus is on stabilizing your seat and finding your balance on the horse. Depending on how quickly you learn and how often you train, you can develop basic riding skills after a year.

Safety tips for horse riding

Safety is the top priority when horse riding. In addition to a well-fitting helmet, there are other important safety measures that beginners should take into account.

When is a safety vest necessary?

A safety vest is particularly recommended for jumping or cross-country riding. It is not absolutely necessary for beginners, but can provide additional protection in case of uncertainty.

Further safety tips for beginners

  • Proper equipment: Always wear a helmet and suitable riding boots.
  • Warm up: Prepare yourself with light stretching exercises.
  • Horse behavior: Learn to understand horse body language to avoid accidents.

Learning to ride a horse: Summarized

Horse riding is far more than just a sport - it creates a unique bond between humans and animals and offers numerous physical, mental, and social benefits. Whether you start riding as an adult, child, or returning rider, the basics are important for everyone: balance, coordination, and patience. Riding not only strengthens muscles and improves posture, it also helps to reduce stress and gain self-confidence.

With the right equipment, a qualified riding instructor, and regular riding lessons, horse riding becomes a fulfilling and rewarding experience. For beginners, it is important to take your time and pay attention to individual progress. Children particularly benefit from playful lessons, while adults appreciate the mental challenge and the connection with the horse.

Regardless of age or experience, it's never too late to start riding. With patience, practice and the right guidance, anyone can discover the joy of riding and benefit in the long term from the numerous advantages this sport offers.

Learning to ride a horse: The most important questions and answers

How do I find the right riding school?

Finding the right riding school is crucial to make the start of riding as pleasant and safe as possible. Pay attention to the following points when choosing a riding school:

  • Qualification of riding instructors: At least a trainer C license should be available.
  • Horse husbandry: The horses should be well cared for and kept in a species-appropriate manner.
  • Facilities: A riding arena and ideally an indoor riding arena should be available so that lessons can take place even in bad weather.
  • Atmosphere: The atmosphere in the stable is important. A friendly, supportive environment contributes significantly to learning success.

What qualifications should a riding instructor have?

A riding instructor should have at least a trainer C license to teach beginners and leisure riders. Trainers with a B or A license are usually qualified for advanced riders and competition sport, but can also provide good support for beginners. It is crucial that the riding instructor is not only technically adept, but also has the ability to explain patiently and clearly.

Can you learn to ride without your own horse?

Yes, most riding schools offer school horses that are specially trained to work with beginners. It is not necessary to have your own horse to learn to ride. Many novice riders use school horses for years before perhaps deciding to take on a riding partner or own their own horse later on.

How can you learn to ride?

The best way to learn horse riding is in a horse riding school with qualified horse riding instructors and well-trained horses. In the beginning, there are often lunge lessons where the riding instructor leads the horse to help the beginner focus on balance and seat. Regular practice is the key.

Can you still learn to ride horses at the age of 30, 40, or even 50?

Yes, it's never too late to learn to ride. Many people discover horse riding later in life and enjoy it as a relaxing, physically and mentally challenging activity. The learning process is similar to that of younger people but requires patience and regular practice.

How much do horse riding lessons for beginners cost?

The cost of riding lessons for beginners varies, but on average a group lesson costs around 15 to 20 euros per 30 minutes. Individual lessons are usually around 25 to 35 euros. It's worth asking about offers such as ten-ride tickets, which are often cheaper.

How long does it take an adult to learn horse ridinge?

‍The learning time depends on the frequency of riding lessons and individual progress. In general, adults need 6 months to a year to confidently master the basics of riding. For advanced skills and more complex techniques, however, it can take several years.

What are the basics of horse riding?

‍The basics of horse riding include the correct seat, balance, rein control, and the use of leg aids. Beginners first learn to feel the horse's movements and maintain their balance before learning to steer the horse with gentle aids.

How difficult is it to learn horse riding?

‍Learning to ride a horse requires a combination of balance, coordination and body tension. In the beginning, it can be challenging to understand the horse's movements and interact with it correctly. However, with regular practice and a good trainer, it becomes easier.

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