
Horse feeding: basics, tips and common mistakes

Discover the best horse feeding tips and optimize your horse's diet for better health and performance. Find out more now!

Horse health: Everything You Need to Know About Your Horse's Well-Being

Learn all about equine health, disease, prevention and care to promote your horse's well-being.

Haflinger - The fascinating blond all-rounders

Discover everything about the Haflinger: history, breeding goals, competition sport and keeping. Find out why this horse breed is so popular worldwide.

Bedding for horses: The best materials in comparison | Advantages and disadvantages at a glance

Find the ideal bedding for your horse: dust-free, absorbent and environmentally friendly. Tips for allergy sufferers, laminitis, colic and more - discover now!

Horse First Aid

First aid for horses: Recognize emergencies and relieve pain. Important first aid measures for emergencies. Learn how to react correctly, treat injuries and check the horse's vital signs.

Lameness in horses: symptoms, causes and treatment

Learn all about the causes, symptoms and treatment options for lameness in horses. Learn how to recognize signs early and help your horse effectively.

Equine Cushing Syndrome

Find out how you can improve the quality of life of your horse with Cushing's disease through targeted treatment, adapted feed and regular exercise.

Understanding and alleviating osteoarthritis in horses: What really helps

Osteoarthritis in horses is a chronic joint disease that you can control well with targeted care and individual treatment.

Laminitis in horses: Understanding causes and recognizing symptoms with the symptom test

Find out everything about laminitis in horses - from the first symptoms to treatment. Use our online symptom test to recognize early warning signs and take targeted action.

Colic in horses: Symptoms, causes and immediate help - with checklist

Discover everything about colic in horses: Symptoms, causes and treatment. Get our emergency checklist and test your horse's colic symptoms with an interactive test!

Breed Portrait Tinker: Great Leisure Partners

Are you interested in Tinker horses? This horse breed, also known as Irish Cob, is really something very special.