Va Va Voom: Formerly Viva la Vida - a second chance in sport?
Return of Gut Neuenhof stallion at Westphalian Spring Auction
Return of Gut Neuenhof stallion at Westphalian Spring Auction
French Grand Prix champion from 2024 now in Austria
Joesten takes over management of the working group of pony and small horse breeders
Hermann Kuck, Ewald Grotelüschen and Wilfried Sandmann deceased
The horse's trust is the basis for a secure partnership. Learn how to build trust and strengthen the relationship.
Optimize your horse's muscle development: nutrition, training and care for a strong, healthy horse.
Learn all about head shyness in horses: Causes, symptoms and effective treatment methods for harmonious coexistence.
Learning to ride is possible for children, adults and beginners of all ages - whether classical or western style. Discover how you can learn to ride at a walk, canter or through intensive courses. Get tips for your first riding lesson and find out when children can learn to ride safely.
Learn all about the three basic gaits of the horse: walk, trot and canter. Ideal for beginners and advanced riders to understand the basics.
Our Academy offers you comprehensive knowledge and training for horse lovers. Regardless of experience, riders can improve their skills with expert tips.
Discover the benefits of cavaletti training for horses: improve coordination, rhythm and agility through varied exercises.
Home remedy to help with digestive problems, coat care, respiratory diseases and parasite defense. Sustainable & effective.
How to optimally support your horse's health and performance with supplementary feed and mineral feed!
The Dülmen wild horses are the last herd of wild horses in Germany. Find out more about their history, their habitat in the Merfelder Bruch and the annual wild horse catch.
Series paused for the first time since 2001 - future uncertain
Champion of the AWÖ Stallion Days 2025
At the top for the third year in a row - Kartal's Emerald leads the show jumping stallions
Find out how you can help your horse with muscle tremors and coordination problems - with the best tips on feeding, exercises and care
Banning curbs is not the right way to go
Christian Kukuk remains the best German show jumper in 6th place
Valentin Munkedal takes over the Nuremberg Burg Cup finalists from 2021
The renowned dressage trainer and co-national coach passed away suddenly at the age of 69
The Shire Horse from England impresses with its size and good nature. Formerly used as a working horse, today it is particularly popular in shows and for leisure.
Tendon damage in a horse does not have to mean the end immediately.
Emmelie Scholtens' successful Grand Prix horse goes into breeding
Sönke Rothenberger's Grand Prix horse under young German rider
Future of the national champion lies in Switzerland
Babylou d'Fee Sauveniere Z as licensing winner
Are the prices being asked reasonable?
Qatar Equestrian Tour 2026 endowed with ten million euros
New management: Sarah Walter takes over the World Equestrian Festival
German Championship again in the CCI4-S Meßmer-Trophy*
Hans Peter Minderhoud's Olympic partner from Tokyo
Stud service at Gestüt Schafhof continues
Second place for Isabell Werth followed by Charlotte Fry
How do horses communicate? Learn all about the horse's body language, from ear position and tail carriage to pain signals!
Equine sarcoid is a skin tumor in horses that can be challenging to treat.
Headshaking horses - causes, symptoms and treatment. Find out why horses headshake, what role the trigeminal nerve plays and what therapies can help.
Dressage horses and show jumpers for the first time as well as Verden Prize record Daan G.
Half a million dollars for six-year-old gelding
Ole Jørgen Jørgentvedt takes over position
Increased load in the field correlates with better results, but more faults in jumping
Goal: Success at the home Olympics in Los Angeles
Verboomen and Sysojeva deliver new personal bests
Fewer tournaments, starts and show horses in 2024
Brandenburg-Anhalt Horse Breeding Association with new interim management
Family dilemma over the sale of the pony?
Detour across the Atlantic - a curiosity on the side
Al Shira'aa becomes title sponsor - criticism of human rights situation in the UAE
No World Cup final in Basel for the world number two
Eight of the top 10 riders start in 's-Hertogenbosch
New study from Great Britain
Patrick van der Meer's sports partner died at the age of 21
From Lexus, Maxima Bella and Flanell to D'Avie FRH and Denoix PCH
Everything about hoof dressings & sprue dressings: application, benefits, differences & DIY instructions for emergencies. Find out now!
Without Miami, but with Vienna and New York
Documentary shows special moments of this special person
Scientists question the use of candles in competitive sport
A stable first-aid kit is essential for every horse owner to be able to react quickly in the event of injuries and emergencies. Here you will find the essential components, tips on organization and important precautions to take in an emergency.
Find out why REM sleep is important for horses, whether horses sleep standing up, when they lie down and how long a domestic horse's daily sleep requirement really is.
Former championship horse passes away
Dynamic Dream and Diablue PS with most offspring
Christian Hess and Eoin McMahon will be the test riders in Strömsholm at the end of March
The podium stays in the family
New collaboration between WBFSH and the renowned artist
Third place under Leonie Richter in Ankum
Horse breeding combines traditional breeding methods with modern technology to optimize the management of horse breeding. Health, ethics and profitability in breeding play an important role in establishing responsible practices while increasing productivity in horse breeding.
All GCL 2025 teams have now been announced
Life-threatening injury ruled out
First start after the sale of Flynn FRH after the Olympic Games
Stationed at Reesink Horses
Farewell to the founder and president of IENA Avenches
Serial winner with a fifth consecutive victory at the Global Dressage Festival in Wellington/Florida
Laura Klaphake's successful mare goes into sporting retirement
Regulations for horse transportation with large liners
The most important information about the FEI World Cup™ can be found here.
Experience the success story of dressage rider Isabell Werth and her extraordinary horses.
Harry Charles takes over Philipp Weishaupt's stallion
Award of the Dutch Masters
Conthargos-son of the Schockemöhle stud station received
New collaboration of the Masterclass winner
The Knabstrupper - the white horse with black spots, known as Pippi Longstocking's little uncle. Discover everything about the origin, keeping, character and appearance of the Danish horse breed.
Strong team with Marcus Ehning and Hans-Dieter Dreher
Two exceptional athletes honored
The stallion had to be euthanized after a serious injury
Is your horse suddenly lame? A hoof ulcer is the most common cause! → Inform now!
First S victory for Laura Löcher and the 2022 Nuremberg Burg Pokal finalist
Isolation measures to prevent further spread
First and second in the world rankings will compete
A horse person through and through. Find out everything about the horse professional from Bavaria.
Now it is known: Olympic horse sold to Sweden