Horse body language - learning horse language
How do horses communicate? Learn all about the horse's body language, from ear position and tail carriage to pain signals!
How do horses communicate? Learn all about the horse's body language, from ear position and tail carriage to pain signals!
Find out why REM sleep is important for horses, whether horses sleep standing up, when they lie down and how long a domestic horse's daily sleep requirement really is.
Find out more about the causes of cribbing in horses, from health complaints such as stomach ulcers to stress and posture problems. With helpful tips on prevention and treatment.
Learn all about your horse's breathing - from anatomy and typical respiratory diseases to preventive measures. Learn how to recognize respiratory problems and help your horse in the best possible way.
Learn how thrush develops, how to recognize it early and how to treat it effectively with simple means.
Find the ideal bedding for your horse: dust-free, absorbent and environmentally friendly. Tips for allergy sufferers, laminitis, colic and more - discover now!
The domestic horse (Equus caballus) is the domesticated form of the wild horse and has played an important role in human history, from ancient times to modern equestrian sport.
Stallion management is an area of horse management that requires special responsibility and attention.