Horse purchase

Buying a Horse - How Do I Find a Horse That Suits Me?

Buying your own horse is a dream that many riders have. Buying a horse requires careful consideration, not only because of the cost of the horse, but also to find a horse that suits your needs.

The purchase inspection: scope, procedure and costs at a glance

Find out everything you need to know about the horse purchase examination (AKU): differences between a major and minor AKU, the examination process, typical costs and valuable tips for buyers to minimize risks

Hanoverian horses: Character, breeding and special features of the popular horse breed

Discover everything you need to know about the Hanoverian horse breed: history, breeding, famous horses and why these sport horses are popular worldwide in dressage and show jumping.

Horse Breeding: Everything You Need to Know About Optimal Breeding

Horse breeding combines traditional breeding methods with modern technology to optimize the management of horse breeding. Health, ethics and profitability in breeding play an important role in establishing responsible practices while increasing productivity in horse breeding.

Your first horse: costs, time and everything else you need to consider

Your first horse, a dream or a nightmare? To make sure your first horse doesn't turn into a nightmare, we have summarized all the important information for you here.