
New Fee Schedule for Veterinarians Since November 22, 2022

Will keeping horses, dogs and cats become a luxury good? Everything on the subject of "fee schedule for horses", what it is at all, what it is supposed to be good for and some background information, you will find in this article.

Pregnancy in Horses: Stages, Duration, and Challenges

In this article, you will learn everything about the stages of pregnancy and the optimal and necessary care for your pregnant mare!

Shutterfly - an Unforgettable Champion in Show Jumping

Shutterfly was a legend in the equestrian world, sadly he passed away on January 28, 2023.

Sport horses in the spotlight: DSP Alice

DSP Alice, the talented show jumper owned by German rider Simone Blum, has taken the show jumping world by storm.

Sport Horses in the Spotlight: Baloutinue

When Baloutinue (Balou Du Rouet x Landor S) saw the light of day on April 5, 2010, no one could have imagined that this horse would go on to win team silver at the Olympic Games in Tokyo with Laura Kraut and other successes in show jumping.